Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Friday!

I've been really sad lately about my neglect of The Drawl. Life is just in super crazy mode. I have tons going on at work, tons going on outside of work and I'm trying really really hard not to be on my computer on the weekend. It makes me sad, but I'm determined to come up with some sort of plan to consistently update here, dagum it!

With that being said, I haven't posted in a week and here's a recap of my not too exciting week.
1. I made the meatballs - modified a bit by Blueberry Newberry to be better for my Operation Shrink-a-bootie campaign. Delish.
2. I ran the Krispy Kreme Challenge with MeMaw and followed it up with a bee-u-tee-ful afternoon on the picnic tables at The Flying Saucer.
3. I worked my butt off - at the gym and in the office.
4. I finally got an estimate for the repair for my Bojangle's drive-thru fiasco. The bobo (no pun intended) concrete hill of a drive-thru on Western took on Ron Burgandy* and won. But, the damage wasn't as bad as I was expecting.
5. Mel left me three voicemails on Tuesday night from the Eric Hutchinson show. She really had to rub it in. Mel + Eric = late night voicemail

*Ron Burgandy is my red 2006 Civic's alias

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