Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We Gotta Make a Change

That's what 2Pac said and that's what I'm doing. 

Last time I was around, I announced that I was hiring a trainer.  Well, thanks to this guy, I'm down seven pounds and 6% body fat.  Holler!

There's been some ups (and a down) and I'm learning a lot about myself in the whole process (which I promise to share if I can get 2 seconds of free time).  But, all in all, I've enjoyed the experience and can't wait for the guns to really blow up!

PS - He's not a scary as he looks although, he does have this sick enjoyment of making me run up a hill with 16 lbs.  Yea.  I said 16 lbs.  Don't mess with me.

1 comment:

A Seam to Sew said...

7 lbs! Good job! Keep up the good work.