Monday, April 14, 2008

What NOW?

As a blogger, one of the things I enjoy is reading other blogs. Tara Leigh Cobble is a Christian artist that came to my church a couple of weekends ago. Unfortunately, I was out of town and missed what sounds like was an awesome time.

Why should you care? Well, I will tell you why. Her blog posting I read today was entitled What NOW? and God totally convicted me through this. My mom and mentors have always encouraged me to pray for my future husband, but I have to admit it is something I don't really do.

I have an idea of what I want my future husband to be like. I want someone who is obviously a Christian. Someone who puts God before all things. Someone who never allows me or our relationship to become an idol. Someone who has a hunger for the Word. Someone who is never satisifed and continually thirsts after a life that pleases God. Someone who obeys the Great Commission and has a mad zeal for missions. Someone who would travel to the ends of the Earth if that's where God sends Him. Someone who has no problem climbing on top of a roof every summer in 100 degree weather with a bunch of college kids. Someone who seeks to glorify God in all that He does. Someone who would hold me accountable every day of my life. Someone who would continously challenge me.

Not too much to ask, right? And, while these are my ideas, they might not be His will. But, I need to talk to Him about it. And, I need to pray for my future husband. I need to pray for his hopes, his dreams, his job, his health, his walk.

So, I'm jumping on this bandwagon and checking out this book and adding the future Mr. Ashely to my prayer list. He sure is gonna need it! :)


Kristine said...

This is a great post Ashely! I think about this a lot and I'm sure a lot of other single women do too. I'm definitely going to check out this book! What a great idea to pray for your husband BEFORE you meet him, how awesome to be praying for the person God will set aside just for you even when you don't know who it is! Have you read "Get Married" by Candice Watters?
This is a good one too, I think.

Brantley said...

Kristine, that book just came out didn't it. Boundless was talking about it a little while back.

Ashely, While a guy may have aspirations to be the man you described, you probably won't find him like that when you meet him. See the article below entitled men are like cheese and keep praying... that has been known to help also.