Monday, February 1, 2010

The Greatest Among You Will Be Your Servant

Last weekend, I went with Galeed Baptist Church's Acteens to the Savannah Baptist Center for the weekend. The girls had went to the Center this past summer and fell in love with Pastor Harry and his ministry. I quickly learned why. Below is an article I wrote for the Center's winter newsletter.

The banner in the fellowship hall at the Savannah Baptist Center reads from Matthew 23:11: the greatest among you will be your servant.

Our team was honored to spend the past weekend serving in Savannah alongside Pastor Harry. From the child on the playground to the cashier at Popeye’s, Pastor Harry sees every person he comes in contact with for the child of God that they are. He gives love to those who thought they were unlovable and provides a smile of kindness to those who have been shown none. With his strong appearance, he is looked up to and respected yet shows humility through his quiet and gentle nature.

God is doing a great work in Savannah. Our entire trip was a blast – from going through the community inviting people to the block party to packing food bags for the hungry. We learned that cooking a meal is just as important as preaching from the pulpit when it comes to being a servant. Seeds were definitely planted during our time there and it is reassuring to know that in Isaiah God tells us that His word will not return empty without having accomplished what He desires.

As we’ve come back to North Carolina, we are encouraged and challenged by the team at the Savannah Baptist Center to serve our own communities more. They define what it means ‘to love your neighbor as yourself.’ They notice the needs of their community and do not rest until they are met. They look at the people who walk through their doors with the eyes of Jesus and use their hands and feet to project His love onto them.

There truly is no higher calling than being a servant.

Chili to serve 100!

Of course, I have to show you the food. We were on our own for dinner and of course, we hit up the soul food.

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