Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Remember the scene in You've Got Mail where Meg Ryan has a cold and there are tissues all over the place and her house is a mess when Tom Hanks shows up? He says "I brought you flowers" and she says "Oughhh...thank you." Yea. I'm Meg. Minus the cute boy and the flowers.

And, it's been a rough week in general. Lots of things have been happening and I am behind in my blogging and my 2009 goal planning. I've pretty much accomplish zilch since we last spoke. So, dear reader, I beg you to hold on and bear with me. Better (and less snottier) days are coming!


Betty Crocker wannabe said...

I hope you feel better!!

Tonya & Michael said...

I'm thinking about you, and hope you're hanging in there!

Shelly said...

Hope a little weekend laziness makes it better...