Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This Week I'm Going To (week of February 1)

Get back on track!

Today's actually the 2nd and I've been bad over the past two weeks. BAD!

So, I'm setting two goals for this week:
1) Get back on track
2) Start eating oats for breakfast

In an effort to get goal #1 going, here's what I ate yesterday.

I Love NY Pizza Rio Rancho and a Mountain Dew. On the upside, I ate it at my work DEP. On the downside, it's a million calories.

For dinner last night, I made my award winning chili. It was so yummy with all the snow and ice outside. We had a delay yesterday morning and I left early to avoid driving after dark so I had a romantic dinner with my computer.

Now, goal #2. Start eating oats for breakfast. And, I'm not talking about the instant kind (although, I did that this morning). I'm reading SuperFoods Rx by Dr. Steven Pratt. The book details 14 SuperFoods that everyone should incorporate into their diet regularly. This week, I'm learning about oats and getting ready to make them a staple. Which should be fun, because I love them!

If you would like to learn more about oats, click here or here.


Cyndi said...

You might also want to try this recipe for baked oatmeal. Could make your mornings easier! I haven't tried it, but it is interesting. Never heard of baked oatmeal before, but it might be worth a try.


Kristine said...

I've heard steel cut oats are good, although more $$ than regular oatmeal. They have more fiber than old fashioned oats. However, good old fashioned Quaker Oats are still good for you & high in fiber, plus they only take 3 minutes! I eat mine on the weekends with blueberries, strawberries or raisins. Nom!

P.S...I've just started using P90X workout program, in addition to my running, and I love it!

Brantley said...

You and me both. I stayed up real late one night so this week I've been drinking soda every day to stay awake. On top of that, we had fast food on a weekday. Yikes! We'll chalk this week up to a failure and jump back on the wagon net week (or is that off the wagon).